My Superheros Writing

These last two weeks my class has been working on their own superhero narrative writing.  Mine has four characters Taylor/me, my bro Tamati, John Wick and Thanos. In this story there had to be a plot, setting, characters, conflict, climax and a resolution. Please tell me if I missed anything or should add something.

Here is my narrative writing.

All Golds On Steps

Yesterday I achieved my goal of getting all golds and 500 golds. Getting all golds is pretty hard because you can’t get a single question wrong. If you get 3 wrong you get bronze and have to restart the task.

Here’s my proof.


This week we (my class) had to make a information report about one planet in the solar system. I picked Uranus, we had to write three paragraphs about three topics. The topics that we got given were what is the planet like, how the planet moves and learning about the planet.

Here it is.

The Sun

This Week I had to do my reading follow up about the sun, this is the slide I wanted to show. I had to read a couple of paragraphs, then I had to write about them but I had to make it one paragraph. After I’ve writing about them I had to summarise It in a very short text. Here it is.


Steps Web

This term I started my steps web for the first time. Steps is a website that your teacher can assign  to you or you can just get you level up and do normal task. My mission is to get 300 golds without getting any silvers. If you are interested you can ask your teacher to have a look at it.


My Agree Or Disagree

Yesterday I finished my agree or disagree writing. We had some topics to pick and then we would write about them. I picked should animals be kept in zoos, I agreed so I would write about three topics and write one paragraph for each topic. My whole class wrote it on a doc and we had to have a title, introduction, the three paragraphs and a conclusion. Here is mine with some facts and success criteria.


Ozone layer

Yesterday we (Cohen, Charlotte, Addison and me) did some sustainable writing about the ozone layer.

  1. We had to make one slide.
  2. Then the person that made the slide had to send the slide to everyone else.
  3. After that one person types the facts that two other people are getting and Cohen is getting it decorated.
  4. Then we do the history about it and who found it.

Overall it was pretty fun and I got to work with some people that I don’t usually work with.

Here is a photo of the slide.

Embedding Google Slides

Before I embed my slide I need to change the share settings to

‘Anyone with the link’

To get the embed code I clicked on file then share and then puplish the web.

After that we clicked embed and copy the link.

Then we had to go to our blog and click media.

Then click insert embed and paste the link.